As a school community, we spent time during the 2014-2015 school year determining the values that guide and underpin our actions, what we will pay attention to as we move forward (our purpose and mission) and what we aspire to for the future (our vision).
Teaching staff, CUPE staff, parents and students were all consulted for their thoughts and ideas, and two teachers with deep roots in the community (Mrs. Shelley Houle and Mme Cathy Romans) took this information and distilled it into the words depicted within the picture above. Mme Shireen Tayob then designed the art into which we placed our words.
We will continue to spend time throughout the year focusing on the different facets of our vision in order to ensure that it continues to guide our actions and interactions as we move forwards.
The words depicted in the picture above are:
Our Values:
- Lifelong Learning (including literacy, passion, numeracy, curiosity)
- Community (including connectivity, collaboration, celebration, inclusion)
- Citizenship (including responsibility, gratitude, respect, empathy)
- Well-Being (including social, emotional, and self-regulation)
- Balance (between the individual and group and between work and play)
Our Purpose and Mission:
To nurture the Heart, Mind, Body and Spirit of each member of our School Family
Our Vision:
Richardson is a shining example of Caring, Learning and Diversity
To help with our vision, Dreams and Effort lead to: involvement, joy, potential, achievement, child-centredness, cultural awareness, innovation, acceptance and love.