About Our School

École Élémentaire Richardson Elementary is a dual track school located just off the Alex Fraser Bridge in North Delta, British Columbia.  Our Kindergarten to Grade 7 school enrolls a culturally diverse population of approximately 360 students.  As a dual track school, Richardson offers both a French Immersion and English program from Kindergarten through Grade 7.

Richardson Elementary was first constructed in 1951.  Additions were added to the school at three different times.  At one time, the school housed over 700 students in four programs from Kindergarten to Grade Seven (regular program, Early French Immersion, Late French Immersion and Programme Cadre).  On July 25th, 1997, the school suffered a major fire.  Although it received extensive smoke damage, twelve classrooms were saved. The new construction after the fire included seven classrooms, a computer room, a library, a special education office, a gymnasium, storage rooms, as well as several administrative and counsellor offices.  The rebuilt school was ready for occupancy in January of 1999.  Some of these rooms are now used for purposes other than those for which they were initially built.  For example, in 2016, the space being used as a computer room became part of our growing school library.