We are proud to offer a wide selection of books and other resources in both English and French at Richardson Elementary. Ms. D. Wone is our Teacher-Librarian, and she works hard to provide an enriching library experience for all of our children. Students in the older grades also have the opportunity to be Library Monitors. **Parents are also welcome to visit our Library!
Please visit our Library Instagram account, by clicking on the books below:

Library hours:
Our school library is temporarily closed to Grades 5 to 7 students for book exchange or for working on school assignments outside of our regular school hours.
Story Time:
We know through research that the amount of time children spend with books, being read to and reading on their own, directly impacts how they will do in school. Children who learn to enjoy, understand and utilize written text outperform their peers who spend less time on this activity. We encourage all Richardson students to read at home on a daily basis.
Remember … sharing bedtime stories together is a very special time for you and your children!
To search Richardson’s Library catalogue and resource links, please click on the heart below. Then choose Richardson Elementary from the list of schools.
You will also have access to many resources on the Delta School District Library website.